There is nothing worse than hearing that ticking noise as you try to start your car and you realize the battery has died. It can be something as simple as leaving your door ajar. The interior light drains the battery or something more sinister like a faulty battery or an electrical fault in your car somewhere. Whatever the problem is, you need help to get out of a bad situation, and not everyone is able to help jump-start your vehicle. We can come to the rescue and gets your car running again, jump-starting the battery so you can get somewhere to charge it.
Jump Start
When your battery is dead all it takes is to be connected to another one to get started again. Usually if everything in your vehicle is working fine then it only takes an hour or two of your car running to have it charged again so that you’re back up and running. Allowing you to start your car after you switch it off. Our technicians’ job is simple; all he will do is connect a jump-starting kit to your vehicle’s battery to help fire up your car. You’ll be back on the road, it is really that easy!